Bug List

Bug List
By Josh Korthuis

1. The way the humidity in Florida causes your glasses of cold drink to get super wet on the outsides of the cup is really annoying.
Why this bug exists is that the humidity in Florida causes the liquid in the cup to have condensation which collects on the outside of the glass making it wet.

2. Being 7 feet tall it annoys me that all doors are usually around 6 feet 8 inches, which means i have to duck under all of them which becomes unpleasant after a while.
Why this bug exists is that most people are not my height so there is no reason to use extra resources to make doors taller.

3. I don't like how every shower has a different and confusing way to turn it on, sometimes causing you to embarrass yourself and ask whoever owns the shower how to use it.
Why this bug exists is that there are countless different companies making showers who all have unique ideas in how to start them.

4. I is annoying how microwaves never heat up the center of your food even though the outsides on it are almost burnt while the inside is ice cold.
Why this bug exists is that microwaves heat up the surface of objects much faster then the internals of it causing the outsides of foods to heat up quicker then the insides.

5. It bugs me how some major roads don't have a separate right hand turn lane causing drivers trying to turn right to sit behind drivings trying to go straight for an extended period of time.
Why this bug exists is that construction companies didn't create this extra lane because of limited space or not expecting as much traffic as the road is getting.

6. I dislike how you cannot where sunglasses while also wearing beats headphones in a comfortable manner such as when your are on a long car ride and it is sunny outside.
Why this bug exists is that the headphones are too big over your earphones for your sunglasses to sit correctly on your ears as well causing the two to not be worn comfortably at the same time.

7. It is annoying how some backpacks make it hard to actually reach your water bottle in the water bottle holder on the side while wearing the backpack. Like you have to take off your backpack to get your water bottle out.
Why this bug exists is that backpack companies try to put it in the most convenient place for the wearer to grab it but it just doesn't work mechanically for everyone.

8. I don't like how easily your snuggy, yes your snuggy, falls off your arms when your stand up off the couch to do something. It is very difficult to stand up and grab the remote while keeping the snuggy on my body to stay warm.
This bug exists because snuggys were meant to be worn while laying down but aren't meant for on the go activities.

9. It is very frustrating when you are trying to squirt out a (what you thought was used) bottle of ketchup on to something and wondering why it isn't coming out, to find out it is actually a new bottle and you need to unscrew the cap and pull of the paper inside.
Why this bug exists is that ketchup companies put a line of paper our the bottle cap to keep the continents inside fresh, that must be removed before using it.

10. It bugs me how around every Christmas my iPhone starts running very slowly and starts to have a lot of lag on things that used to work perfectly, but suddenly the day after Christmas everything is working fine again.
Why this bug exists is that Apple is trying to get you to buy a new phone by slowing yours down so that they can make more money.

11. Something that I know a lot of people can relate to that is very annoying is when you are wearing glasses and you try to lay down on a pillow and watch something, and it pushes your glasses out of place.
Why this bug exists is that glasses aren't made to be very attached to your face so they can move easily when force is applied to them.

12. I dislike how when your try and put the toilet seat down with like say your foot because its gross, and it makes a super loud noise when it lands causing making people think you broke something.
Why this bug exists is that toilet seats usually don't have any padding on the top most piece that covers the toilet causing a loud noise when the two pieces collide.

13. I very much dislike when I am at the movie theaters and something exciting happens in the movie and people start clapping, or when people clap at the end of the movie. I just don't understand the point of it because the actors can't hear you and even sometimes the clapping lasts so long that you miss what the characters are saying in the next scene.
Why this bug exists is that people like to show appreciation to the people who made it one way or another and some people do that by clapping for a movies screen.

14. It bugs me how when you use a non- apple charger for your iPhone and it says, "Accessory not supported" so you have to unplug and re-plugin your phone until it works.
Why this bug exists is that 3rd party charger are not the perfect fit for the iPhone so sometimes they don't connect right and cannot charge the phone.

15. Something I deal with every day at my apartment is that the shower head water pressure is too low and it is annoying because it takes a while for a lot of water to come out.
Why this bug exists is that the water line running to me shower does not have a lot of pressure to push the water up it for various reasons causing the water to come out at a slower pace.

16. I dislike how every time you buy a new chapstick you never actually finish it because you always lose it before you get to the end of the stick.
Why this bug exists is that chapstick is very small compared to your phone and is easy to drop out of your pockets when on the move so you almost always lose it before finishing it. 

17. It is annoying how Q-tip companies advertise that they are not meant for cleaning out your ears when we all know that is what everyone uses them for. It just seems like they are trying to lie about their intentions which bothers me.
Why this bug exists is that it is somehow dangerous to put Q-tips or cotton swabs in your ears even though I have been doing it all my life and had no issues with it.

18. It bugs me when I get an eyelash caught in my eye because first of all it hurts way more then it should, and secondly it is very hard to get out for some reason.
Why this bug exists is that there are a lot of eyelashes on your head and sometimes they go out of place and into your eye.

19. I don't like how when I moved to Florida it was supposed to have winters with a low of 50 degrees but now everyday its been like 30-40 degrees and I am freezing because being 7 feet tall its hard to find pants that fit.
This bugs exists because recently there has been a huge cold front over the United States causing cold temperatures around the country.

20. It is very frustrating when you go eat at McDonald's or any fast food place and the food tastes so good while you are eating it, but 30 minutes after it you feel like trash and your stomach is hurting for the next 3 days.
This bug exists because fast food tastes great  but is very unhealthy for your body and causes it to have a hard time digesting the low quality food you just consumed.

I am usually a very positive person so it was difficult to come up with 20 things that annoyed me and explain the science behind it. I usually made a goal to find 5 per day and would write them down on my phone while I was on the go. It was interesting to discover so many things that annoyed me throughout the day that I usually overlook because there is no solution to them yet.


  1. Hi Josh!
    I can relate to the height issue, but on the other end of the spectrum. I am barely 5 feet tall and my height causes problems, because I struggle to reach things all the time. Although I don't hit my head on doorways, but, for example, at work I have to grab the step ladder to reach things that we have. Also, the phone charger in my car randomly pops up with the "accessory not supported" message, which is annoying, because I paid for it recently and, even though it was cheaper than an apple charge, it's still frustrating to feel like you're wasting money.

  2. Hi Josh!

    As I was clicking my way to your blog post, I was wondering whether I would be able to relate to your bug list. I was partially right. For one, I am exchange student, so a lot on my bug list was things about the States in general that differ from my home country, Finland, so perhaps Americans are not annoyed by them as they have grown up with those bugs.

    Reading through your list, I did however find plenty that I can relate to and have definitely been bugged by myself, like the first one about the wet glasses, which makes them slippery. Then there were those personal bugs that many may not relate to, like the ones concerning your height. Generally, I would say that a lot of the bugs we each identify are running through many's minds. We may even complain about them to our circle of friends, but then we let the problems, ie. opportunities, pass us by. Perhaps after this course we will begin to think of possible solutions. :)

  3. Hi Josh!

    Your bug list was very relevant and amusing to me. A few of your bugs that I can relate to are bugs 7, 11, and 19. Bug 7, about the water bottle in book bag, really hit home. There have been far too many times that I am walking to class, sun beating down hard, and all I want is a simple sip of water... but no my book bag makes me stand to the side take it off and then maybe it will allow access to my water. Bug 11, laying on a pillow with glasses, is just one of the worst things ever. You either have to lay straight up in bed or attempt to watch your TV half blind. The struggle is real. Bug 19, Florida winters, is one of the most annoying things ever. I am originally from New Jersey and one of the main reasons for coming to school in Florida was the weather. Now that we are having consistent 30 degree winters, I almost feel back home.

  4. Hi there Josh ! I feel your pain as well when it comes to the snuggy issue, and blankets in general have the same problem. It is a major inconvenience to sacrifice the warmth of the blanket when you have to get up and get something. I cannot relate more when reading bug 19, as I moved here as well from a cold region of the country expecting warmth, but I have not been able to find this recently.


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