Entrepreneurship Story

Entrepreneurship Story
By Josh Korthuis

Back in my middle school days, my friends and I were very into having airsoft wars in our neighborhood but I didn't have a good gun so it was not always the most fun for me. This is when decided I needed to buy a new gun but didn't have the money for it at the time. I talked to my parents and they told me some people in the neighborhood were looking to get there fences stained and with summer coming up I would have plenty of time to do it. For those who don't know, staining a fence is used to protect against moisture damage on the wood and also gives it a new  and symmetric look to the wood around it. So I went door to door asking my neighbors if the would be interested in me staining their fences over the summer and was able to get 3 households willing to do it. I charged them around $200 each and it would take me about 2 weeks to do each house. I worked every morning till around lunchtime for the first month and a half of my summer excluding weekends and was able to finish all the fences. I was very proud of what I had achieved and even though my parents said i should save the money I decided to spend it all on a new airsoft gun and an Xbox 360 because I didn't have one. This was a great experience to have because it showed me what it takes to start your own business no matter how small it was and showed me what hard work can bring you in life.

I enrolled in ENT3003 because I always have dreamed of owning my own business and would like to know the steps to take to open my own business in the real world. Specifically I am looking to find out how to do the proper paper work for it and how to do taxes for it to be an official business. I feel like I have a lot of random ideas of products and services that could be great in the future, and i'm hoping this class will give me the tools to make those ideas a reality!


  1. Hi Josh!
    Your entrepreneur story gave me time to reflect on my own childhood and allowed me to remember some of the great times I had trying to make a few bucks as a kid to get that new "something" that everyone had excluding me. Rather than painting fences during the summer, I had the pleasure of shoveling snow throughout the winters. A few of my buddies and I would get together, borrow my dads snowblower, and shovel until we couldn't feel anything. Similar to you, air-soft was also a big trend in my neighborhood. So come summer, we would have our money from shoveling snow and go out and get the best guns we could afford.
    Overall, great post. Hope to read from your blog soon.
    Connor Clark


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