Identifying Local Opportunities

Identifying Local Opportunities

by Josh Korthuis

1. A transition tag for Jarvis Landry? Silly if you know these rule

The dolphins want to hold on to their star wide receiver, Jarvis Landry, but they are approaching his time for him to be a free agent and don't want to pay him the money he wants. They are considering putting a transition tag on him so they will have the opportunity to match any offer a team gives him so they can keep him, but the transition tag automatically takes a $14.2 million hit to their salary cap so they don't want that either. 

The main problem is that the transition tag is very expensive at $14.2 million and the dolphins know that Landry wants more money then they can offer him especially because they are in a rebuilding period. This means that they are probably going to lose him, transition tag or not, so what is the use of taking the $14.2 million out of their salary cap that they could use to spend on other players. 

Who has this problem is the Miami Dolphins front office who deals with making trades and who gets payed what. This is definitely a huge decision they must make that could make or break their off season. In my opinion i would let him go and save the $14.2 million to get another great receiver and more new players that could help the team out. 

2. All-Star snub leaves Hassan Whiteside feeling Heat is overlooked, unappreciated

The story is that Miami who is a top 4 team in the Eastern Conference had no players selected to play in the NBA All-star game. This is big news because no top 4 teams has ever not had one of their players selected for the past 25 years. Hassan Whiteside is especially upset because he is a star on the team who has great stats and believes he should have been selected. He believes his team is being over looked because they have only had one appearance on ESPN and no games on TNT even though they could potentially win the Eastern Conference, and that they league doesn't care about them as a team. 

The problem in this story is that no one from the Heat was selected to play in the All-star game even though they are a top 4 team in the Eastern Conference. This hasn't happened for the last 25 years and the players on the team are upset about it as well. They feel that the league doesn't take them seriously and doesn't want to showcase them on TV. 

Who has this problem is the Miami Heat basketball team, specifically the players. They feel that a few of them, mainly Hassan Whiteside and Goran Dragic, woulld be great selections for the All-star game but were not selected. 

3. Marlins executive going on worldwide odyssey. But team business won't be put on hold

Marlins executives are taking on the massive challenge of running 7 marathons, on 7 different continents, in 7 consecutive days. This will be an insane feat to take on and will be the first of its kind. The executives are worried their bodies won't be able to handle it, but say they have plenty of motivation to finish it mentally. 

The problem in the story is that the 777 has never been attempted before and they are not sure if it is possible for the human body to handle that. They want to complete it though because it is benefiting 11 charities and they want them to get their money. 

Who has this problem is the Marlins executives because they are the ones tasked with running the marathons and they want to make sure they are physically able to complete the task at hand. They are doing it for charity as well so they want it to be an all around success for everyone. 

4. The Miami Dolphins are looking to replace a quarterback. But it won't be Ryan Tannehill

The story is that the Dolphins aren't shopping to replace starting QB Ryan Tannehill, but replace back up Matt Moore. Both Moore and the Dolphins believe it is their time to part ways and Moore wants a fresh start somewhere he has the chance to play. The dolphins are on the quarterback hunt this offseason but aren't sure whether to find a veteran to be the back up or draft a QB who can learn behind Tannehill. 

The problem is that the Dolphins aren't sure who to sign as their back up quarterback because they want someone who is ready to play because Tannehill has been injured the past 2 seasons. This is a hard decision because they could find another veteran QB who they know is reliable or they could take the risk and draft a QB but won't be sure if he is ready to play initially or not. 

Who has the problem is the Dolphins organization and coaching staff. They must make the right choice for the team because they never know when Tannehill will be unable to play and need to have a reliable QB to fall back on. 

5. Parties settle lawsuit over TV 'fat shaming' allegation

The story is that CBS4 camera man sued the station for demoting him claiming he was wrongly demoted because of was fat shaming Jim DeFede by not shooting him at the right angles. The cameraman, Hassan, is still working for CBS4 despite the lawsuit and just settleed it 3 days before Christmas for a not disclosed amount.  

The problem is that Hassan believed he was demoted for the wrong reasons of not shooting from the right angles and fat shaming which is not a legal thing to demote someone for. he also claims they demoted him for his religion, race, and age which is what he sued for him court. 

Who has the problem is Hassan because he has to deal with being demoted and probably taking less pay when he should not have been. It would be interesting to see what they settled for in court because this case is so strange with the fat shaming aspect of it. 


  1. Josh, these stories are so interesting, because so many of them show your interest in sports. The 777 sounds incredible. I can't imagine doing more than one or even just one marathon. I imagine that this challenge would be extremely painful and difficult for your body. Also, I think that the lawsuit about the man being demoted seems a little ridiculous. Obviously I did not experience it first person, but it seems like a very odd lawsuit.

  2. Hi Josh!

    You can see a trend among your articles, I am going to take a wild guess and say that you enjoy sports very much. Well that is something that we have in common. The first article you analyzed I actually did as well. Other than that, I think the most interesting article that you identified opportunities in was the one titled, "Parties settle lawsuit over TV 'fat shaming' allegation". Far too often in the legal system you see cases just like this. People being fired or demoted or not given the same opportunities as others. This is absolutely absurd that someone would make business decisions based on your race, gender or anything for that matter. I agree with Hansen and believe he is in the right for standing up for himself.


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