Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

by Josh Korthuis

Market Segment:
- College Students
-Located at the University of Florida

Unmet need:
- Better toilet seats

Interview #1: Luis

I first became aware of my need for a better toilet seat on a winter night in South Florida when I made contact with the toilet seat and it was ice cold. It was very uncomfortable and I knew I needed a change. I was too embarrassed to talk to my family about this serious manner so I googled, "Heated toilet seats" to find help. No solutions came up with deeply upset me. That was the first time I became aware of my need for better toilet seats.  

Interview #2: Tyler

This need first came to me on a hot day in Gainesville, Florida when my seat was very warm and I would very much preferred it to be cold. I couldn't think of any ways to solve this issue so I googled, "How to keep toilet seat cool throughout the day." I didn't find too much information on the issue so I also asked my grandparents for help but they were no help as well. 

Interview #3: Conor

It was a cold winter night when I first discovered my need. My toilet seat was freezing and hard to sit on but I decided to power through that night. I was surprised the seat was that cold for living in Florida and hoped I could find a solution to heat it up when I needed too. Called my Dad to ask for advice but he could not think of any modern day technology that could accomplish this. 

I have learned from these interviews that my market segment has a need for my product and the features it offers. The main need displayed in the interviews was the heating and cooling of the seat itself as the most important feature. This will have to be something I market heavily if the roduct were ever to hit the shelves. 

I would describe this segment as young adults trying to find solutions to tough everyday problems. They were willing to search for a solution to their need and were dissapointed when they didn't find one. Hopefully my product can fulfill this need in its entirety.  


  1. Hi Josh,

    It looks like you gained a lot of valuable information through this segment that you interviewed. In previous assignments you explained how you could make your toilet seats fully customizable with charging ports, aux inputs and much more. However, I think your best bet to stay strong and relevant is to heavily focus on the heating and cooling aspects of toilet seats rather than the other luxury items. If you can make a name for yourself and get a simple product on the market, from there you can begin to expand and see if there is a need for charging ports and what not. Overall, great interviews and good analysis.

  2. Hey Josh,
    I have had many of the same experiences as the people who have been interviewed, and I am surprised as well that there are currently no options to fix this. I can see this being a popular item for college kids, especially in places that have extreme weather, such as the heat in Florida or the cold in places like Wisconsin. However, the only worry I would have would be if college kids would have the discretionary money to spend on toilet seats. Even so, I would be very interested in such a product, so I think it would be a very profitable expenditure.

  3. Hi Josh,
    It seems that you gained knowledge of a strong buyer segment through these interviews. From what I can tell, your product would be most beneficial for consumers that live in areas that deal with somewhat extreme weather conditions. Although in Florida we don't normally see a lot of very cold weather, we deal with the issue of grossly warm toilet seats, but areas that deal with very cold conditions would also be good candidates for the product due to the opposite weather. I think this product has a lot of potential.


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