What’s Your Secret Sauce?

What’s Your Secret Sauce?

by Josh Korthuis

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique

1. The most unique thing about me is that I am 7 feet tall which has shaped me more as a person then anything else because of the attention it brings.
2. I am surprisingly very outgoing and friendly even though people don't expect it when they meet me for the first time. 

3. I'm always more intelligent then people expect because when they see me they think, "dumb basketball player" but I actually take my education very seriously and love to learn.

4. I am a very logical thinker and I always think of every situation from all angles before making decisions because I want the ideal outcome for everyone. 

5. I'm not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right even when I think it can be hard to do because people will judge me for it. 


"You stand out with your imagination to create new ideas and you capability to understand how the real world works. You know what can and can't be done for the world and for yourself and are always very realistic. You are good at interacting with people and never make it awkward when talking. You are also very courageous in the way you are willing to do things others wouldn't without thinking much of it."  

It made me feel good to know how my friend Cayman really thinks about me and I felt his answer was very honest because I do always speak my mind about things and try to see the world and how to solve its issues in a realistic way.


"First off the main difference between you and other people is you are way taller then them. On a more serious note I think that you always put others before yourself and have done that for me countless times. You always go the extra mile for friends and that is something that really separates you from my other friends."

I took away from this that Sam believes I am a very loyal friend and that I will do whatever I can to help my friends out. I feel this is true for me and it felt nice to be appreciated for it. 


"I believe you are a very strong leader and are outgoing. I think you are a very fun person to be around and you have a way of gathering friends together to have a good time. It is also easy for you to motivate people and I think as a person you move with confidence."

I believe my dad sees me hangout with my friends a lot knows that I love to be around people and getting all my friends together to chill. I do like to motivate people especially when I see great potential in them. 


"You are the tallest person I have ever seen which makes you stand out. You have a very unique sense of humor and your goofiness always makes me laugh. You are very self confident and when you say something you don't sugar coat it, you always just speak your mind."

I think my tallness will always be the most noticeable thing about me but Im glad to hear that they appreciate my humor. I could see how I would stand out for speaking my mind because no one really does that anymore with the fear of being judged. 


"First of all you stand out for being 7 feet tall and its easy to find you in a crowd. You are good at starting conversation especially with people you have never met before. You are also not afraid to speak whats on your mind." 

I have seen a trend in my friends saying I like to speak my mind which is something I definitely do. I do think I am good at starting conversations and not making it awkward because I hate the feeling of awkwardness.

3) Reflect on the differences. 

I believe  the interviews were very accurate as to who I am as a person. I think the only difference between what I put on my initial list and what was said in the interviews is when Sam stated I was a willing to put others before myself and go the extra mile for friends. This statement is very true and that would have to be something I would need to add to my original list. 


  1. Hi Josh,
    I find it so interesting that one of your defining features that affects your entrepreneurship is your height. I am actually on the other end of the height spectrum, at only 5' and deal with a lot issues not being able to reach things and stuff like that. I didn't realize that being tall would cause people to judge your intelligence. Overall, I think you have great qualities for being an entrepreneur.

  2. Hi Josh,

    I am not sure if it was a requirement to have your interviews recorded, if not great job, but if so then you may want to look into that. After reading over your interviews I could tell that your peers, friends, and family think very highly of you and that you mean a lot to them. One of my biggest self identified human capital examples was that I am very friend and family centered. I am glad that your friend identified that for you as well. I was brought up in a large family and was always taught to treat all with respect and to look out for one another.


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