Final Reflection

Final Reflection

by Josh Korthuis

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1) Read through your posts from this semester. Recall all of the experiences you've had a long the way

I would have to say my lowest moment of the semester was what i described in my failure experience post when I talked about having to exams in 2 days and not getting better then a C on either of them. I was really dissapointed in myself because I know how much I procrastinated and that it was completely my fault. It also annoyed me because before coming to UF I was an A student which I hoped to continue while I was here. Though my high point was soon to come.... Just last night I had my marketing final and this week before it I told myself I wasn't going to procrastinate at all and I was going to be well prepared for this exam. As I was walking to the auditorium I was worried wondering if I had studied enough but when I was finally presented the test it was amazing because I felt like I know almost every answer without even looking at the multiple choice options! When I got home I checked the answer key and realized I got almost every question right would made me so proud of myself. So to celebrate I popped a bottle by myself in my room and got on Fortnite with the boiiiiissss!! I have been the midtown multiple times this semester but that was the best night I have had at UF so far. 

2) What sticks out to you as the most formative experience?

The experience that I will remember most from this class was the Elevator Pitch assignments. It was pretty awkward standing in front of my friend filming me talk about imaginary custom toilets in my own bathroom. Though it did get easier as time went on because I became more comfortable with the pitch and talking infront of the camera. I even went as far as having a Hawaii edition video that I thought was dope but everyone in the comment section barely even mentioned even though it was probably the greatest elevator pitch ever given in this class!

3) Do you think you have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset?

I do believe I have developed a entrepreneurial mindset because now when I am out and about in the world a look at the issues more as opportunities that could not only be exploited for profit but also trying to find solutions that better society as a whole. It started when we first made the bug list and has continued to this day. I believe if everyone had an entrepreneurial mindset the world would have many more solutions to its problems and would be more advanced overall. 

4) What is the one recommendation you would make to the students who are going to journey down this path in the future? 

For students taking this course in the future I would recommend that they think less of the assignments as actual school work but more of a way to improve your mindset. At first when I was completing the bug list I just considered it busy work, but now thinking back on it, those were 20 opportunities that could turn into business ideas in the future. They need to try and get the most out this class without just going through the motions and try and imagine their product as something they could actually create in the future. 


  1. Hi Josh,

    Just like you I have had problems with procrastinating, as exams are coming around I have tried to stop playing so much fortnite and focus on getting those good grades. Sometimes you just need a little self-motivation to get the job started. I agree that students in the future shouldn't think of these assignments as just homework, they should try to dive in and do the best they can so that they can get as much as they can out of it. Now that I have further my mindset, I believe that I can easily identify opportunities just as you have stated.

  2. Hi Josh,
    I think as college students we've all struggled with procrastination and tests being disappointing. Two exams is a lot of information to remember on its own, much less if you're cramming. However, we all struggle with this throughout our college experience. I really like your advice to future students. If you look at these assignments as ways to grow, it can help with motivation.

  3. Hey there Josh,
    I definitely do agree with you that the elevator pitch was kind of an awkward experience, but it was a learning moment for sure. As you said, it got a lot easier after the first couple of attempts. Your recommendation for future students is spot on too. By having a different mindset, the school work becomes much more enjoyable.


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