What’s Next?

What’s Next?

by Josh Korthuis

There is many directions that Own the Throne could take in terms of its next venture but even though it is a fictional product I will answer this question as if I had a real product ready to test the market. That would be my first step though, test marketing. I think this product would be great to bring to a big event like comic con or E3 where many people with money to spend would be willing to try my product. I could then test my market without too much risk of paying slotting fees at real stores for my first step. 


"I think the next step for your product is to try to sell it to high end hotels and see if they are interested. That way if they like it you could sell them in huge amounts to them to use them in all the rooms."


"For your next venture capital you should try expanding what comes in the toilet itself and maybe try and combine with some company's to sell things in a bundle. You could partner with Beats to put really good speakers in the seat and bring a lot of attention to your product and show how high end it is."


"I think you should start small by selling this product in novelty stores like the ones they have along the beach because they always have weird products in there like this one and then expand from there depending on how your sales go, maybe to like a Walmart or something

After hearing thee interviews I believe there is many paths I could take in the future but I think the first is to start small with just trying to sell my product. I think I should try and set up a display area at some events that would fit this products target market. From there maybe if I found success I could by some slotting space at maybe a walmart, home depot, or lowes and see where it goes from there. 

If I where to have a steady sales at the store maybe i could reach out to hotels and try and sell my product in bulk to them and sign a long term contract with them. I could even try and combine with other company like Conor said like Beats to improve the product and bring more people to our market.  

I think a market that would not be reached by my product would be young woman who are between the ages of 18-33 because they would not want buy a custom toilet seat. I think if I were to market in a way that would make the product not seem weird but a very high class toilet seat maybe I could catch their attention. 


"I think if you were able to price this is a very clean product it would make woman more willing to purchase it. Also if you were to sell it for an affordable price it would help out because most girls in college don't have money to spend on toilet seats."


"The toilet seat would be better suited for woman if it would be advertised to match the design of the bathroom and bring a high class image to it. Also it would have to have features woman actually want which I am not sure they would really want the heating seating or the speaker."

I believe after the interview this market would be very hard to reach. I just don't think woman care as much about toilets as men do in my opinion and they aren't worried about an upgrade to the bathroom experience. I think this product has to be marketed to a special group of people who want custom images on the seats and enjoy and have money for the customization of the seat. 

Th best way to reach the market of young woman would be to come out with a product specifically for them ad have features just for them on their which would take more research to find out what those are. I think my best shot is maybe the custom colors that the toilet seat could come in because it could match the color way they are going for in their bathroom. 


  1. Hi Josh,
    I think that the hotel sales are a great option to begin your business. I think this would be especially successful in resort or themed hotels. For example, a beach inspired hotel would be a successful buyer for beach or ocean themed toilet seats placed in their bathrooms. These type sales would be a major money maker for your business. Another idea to also make this product more appealing to women is a self-closing toilet seat. Many women are frustrating when they have to share a toilet with a man who doesn't put the seat down so this may be a successful addition.

  2. Hi Josh,

    I think that your best option is to start small and come out with one or two customized toilet seats to test the market. The idea of selling these seats to resorts or hotels is great but you might not want to overdo it. By offering too much diversity you may sell yourself short and not create the optimal market that you wish to have. Furthermore, one of your interviewers suggested partnering with other well-known companies such as beats but I think that venture is long down the road. Before you start making exotic toilet seats you need to find that one product that will give credibility to your name. Once you have that perfected product, it is then you can start reaching farther and looking for other brands to collaborate with you.

  3. Hey Josh,
    I believe your idea about getting possible sponsonships would be a profitable venture, as I'm sure that if your product became popular that some companies would bid to have exclusive rights to certain features. Also, I do agree with a perspective that Connor brought up about maybe waiting to sell to hotels. The product is based off of individual preferences, which would be hard to do for a hotel. However, I could definitely see this being a route that your company would take once it starts to become profitable. It seems like all of these interviews gave you some good insight!


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